A guide to playing Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the most popular games in the casino industry. All of the rummy players are aware of this game. They find it the best way through which they would be able to turn their bets into profits. This is definitely not an easy game as it requires much more strategies as compared to the other rummy games available to us. The best part about this game is that it has a simple concept as compared to the others. If the players have gained an expertise in the same, then it would be much easier for them to win most of the times.

But if you are casually stepping in to this game, then the odds of winning are less. This is a versus game against the dealer. And we all know that the dealer has a great idea regarding the game which increases their chances of winning in the rounds. This might even lead to a great loss for the player. The game of Blackjack was first introduced in the 1760s and at that time it was played in France. And now we know that it is the most played Casino games in the entire American region.


The main objective of this game is to get a number closest to 21. This could be done by adding all the cards which the player has got in his or her deck. All of the cards have their own value like the number cards have the value depending upon their number. The Face Cards are having a value of 10 and the value of Ace is either 1 or 11 depending upon the advantages of the same to the players. It should be noted that the number should be close to 21 and not exceed this number. If it exceeds the same, it would be called as busted.

How to Play?

The dealer first shuffles the deck of the cards. Then he randomly picks someone on the table to cut the same. As the player cuts the deck from between, the cards are then distributed to the players. This is when the betting time begins and the players watch their cards to decide whether they have to bet or not. It should then be decided whether the players want to either stand or hit. When the players choose for hit, they would be given an additional card by the dealer.

The next thing which the players would be able to opt for is Stand. When the player chooses for the same, it means that they are satisfied with the cards they have and would be continuing with the same. The dealer first provides a total of two cards to them and at the end of the round, the total value of all the cards is compiled together to check out who has won the round.

Win or Lose

The player would be marked with a win and rewarded with all the amount if his number is much closer to 21 as compared to the dealer. This is the only situation in which the player would be able to win the round. But there are two conditions of losing the round. The first condition says that if the players’ value of cards is away from 21 as compared to the value of the dealer, then he would lose his wagered bet. Another condition of losing the round is when the value of the cards which the player has exceeds 21. In this situation, the player’s value of cards is marked as Busted.

There is another rare condition where neither the players win nor does the dealer. It only happens when both the player and dealer have the same value of the cards given to them. In this situation, all the amount which the player has bet in that round would be refunded to them and they could use it for the next round. But it should be noted that the chances of having a tie are very less.

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